Our office is located at 2901 West Coast Highway, Suite 200, Newport Beach.
Review below for directions and information on parking.

On-site underground parking is available with an elevator directly to the lobby floor (second floor).
You must turn right into the building from the Southbound lane on West Coast Highway; you cannot turn left into the building from the Northbound lane. If traveling Northbound, simply pass the building and make a U-turn at Hoag Dr. (See below map.)
Validation is provided for consultations and existing clients; validation is not provided for all others guests, including mediation parties. Building Parking Rates Effective December 1, 2019 are as follows: $3.00 per 20 minutes; $20.00 daily maximum. A Special Event parking fee of $30 (flat-rate, regardless of time) is charged on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day and throughout the Newport Beach Boat Parade. Contact Waterfront Newport Beach, LLC, (949) 258-4370, for information on current pricing.
Notice for trucks and large vehicles: Underground parking clearance is approximately 6’2″

Click here for PDF version of the parking map
All consultations and mediations include complimentary coffee, water, wifi, and comfortable private bay view meeting rooms.