As some may know, the California Air Resources Board (CARB), has placed an impossible requirement on the Balboa Island Ferry to implement zero-emission engines by the end of 2025. That’s a little over a year and a half to electrify an aging fleet of car ferries placed on a small family operation. The concern for Newport Beach residents – and the millions of tourist per year that enjoy all that Newport Beach and the surrounding communities have to offer – is the end of the beloved Balboa Island Ferry.
Sign the petition to Save the Balboa Island Ferry here.
Here are my daughters enjoying one of our countless trips across Newport Harbor on the Balboa Island Ferry – memories that will last a lifetime and I hope something they can enjoy with their children:

The official update from Save The Balboa Island Ferry:
Mar 19, 2024
We are thrilled to announce that the Balboa Island Ferry has received a $7.9 million demonstration grant for transitioning our fleet to zero emissions. This is a phenomenal achievement and the result of a lot of dedication and hard work from people who truly believe in this 100+ year-old business and want to preserve a piece of Newport Beach history.South Coast AQMD, in partnership with BIF, submitted an application proposing to convert BIF’s operation to zero-emission, in collaboration with technology providers Aurora Marine Design and Green Yachts, and others including the City of Newport Beach and Southern California Edison. Assemblywoman Diane Dixon has introduced a bill, AB 3153, to grant BIF and similar operations a 15-year extension to meet compliance.
This also wouldn’t be possible without people like yourself who reached out by phone or email to share your support. On behalf of everyone at the Ferry, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your help.
There is still a long road ahead and much work to be done, but now for the first time, we are heading down that road with hope. Hope of making it through this transition and hope of continuing to support the transportation needs of visitors and residents alike, as we continue to reduce vehicle emissions in Orange County as we have done for over 100 years.
We will have more information for you soon. Please stay tuned for more updates.
You can find more information on their website and sign the petition here:
Thank you,
– Devin Lucas
Author Devin R. Lucas is a Real Estate Broker, Real Estate Attorney and REALTOR®, specializing in Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Orange County coastal communities, serving individuals, Trustees and investors in residential real estate.
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